ELEC 221 Section 101 + Tutorial T1A, September 2015
Signals & Systems
This is the website dedicated to ELEC221, Section 101
Term 1 (Sep 08, 2015 to Dec 04, 2015)
Withdrawal Dates:
Last day to withdraw without a W standing :September 22, 2015
Last day to withdraw with a W standing (course cannot be dropped after this date) :October 16, 2015
Instructor and Assistants
Instructor: Dr. Edmond Cretu, Kaiser 3063, E-mail: edmondc "at" ece.ubc.ca (put [ELEC221] at the beginning of the subject line)
Office hours: Thursday, 9am-11am
Lectures: Mon, Wed, Fri - 2pm-2pm in Woodward (Instructional Resources Centre-IRC) room 6
Tutorials: are meant to complement the course with exercises and
extra aspects (e.g. refresh on pre-requisites): Wed, 8am-10am, in Hugh Dempster Pavilion , Room 310
Office hours
Carlos D.G. Hernandez
cgerardom "at" ece.ubc.ca
Thu 11am-1pm
Marking scheme
Homeworks problems posted but not marked – solutions provided in tutorials
Midterms 40% - 3 midterms, best 2 considered
Final exam 60%
(Optional) Project assignment 10%
Complementary textbook (only for some specific topics):
Related Tools
- Mathworks MATLAB - UBC campus wide license - the main tool you can use for implementing examples, exercises, projects, etc.
- National Instruments LabView - ECE Dept. license
- Scilab Entreprises - Scilab - an open source alternative to Matlab - www.scilab.org
- Introduction to signals and systems. Basic signal properties,
transformations, continuous-time vs. discrete-time, elementary signals.
System properties, interconnections of systems
- Time-domain representations for Linear Time Invariant
Systems. Convolution sum and convolution integral. Description by
differential and difference equations
- Signals and systems as functions. Signals and systems in a Hilbert space (geometric perspective)
- The concept of state. Finite state machines
- Fourier representation of periodic signals. Discrete and continuous time periodic signals
- Frequency domain representations of non-periodic signals.
Discrete and continuous Fourier Transform. Properties, connection
to time-domain representations
- Applications of Fourier representations. Frequency response of
linear systems, Bode plots, time and frequency characterization of LTI
systems, modulation
- Sampling of continuous-time signals and their reconstruction from samples
- The z-transform. Properties and its use in the analysis of discrete-time systems
Date |
Topic |
Notes |
Sep 9
Sep 11
Signals as functions
Assignment 1 - review complex numbers, phasors, linear spaces
Sep 14
Sep 16
Tutorial 1: Complex signals, Hilbert spaces and their geometry