Phone: 604–827–5217
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Lectures: Tue & Thu; 15:30 – 17:00, MCLD 242.
This is a beginning level graduate course that may be useful for all students interested in application of electric machines, mechatronics, and power area in general. The course focuses on modeling power systems components and electric drives. During the course students will be working on several assignments that will include development of simulations of electrical machines, drives, and associated controls. Recommended software for working on class assignments is Matlab/Simulink.
Cheating Policy: The academic enterprise is founded on honesty, civility, and integrity. This also means you should not cheat, copy, or mislead others about what is your work. Students are encouraged to discuss among themselves the problems in each assignment. However the turned-in assignment reports must show the individual work and reflect the individual understanding of material by each student.
Reports suspected of cheating will not be graded. Cheating will result in zero mark and may qualify for withdrawal form the course and/or suspension from the University.
This course would not have mid term or final exams. The final grade will be based on all assignment reports.
1. Introduction; overview of simulation software; notion of systems; steady-state and dynamic modeling;
state models; review of numerical methods.
Assignment 1: Introduction to Simulink; modeling of basic RLC circuits
2. Stationary Magnetically-Coupled Circuits: Transformer, equations, magnetic saturation, implementation
Assignment 2: Develop a model, include modeling of core losses and saturation, analyze current and voltage waveforms.
3. Reference frame theory, motivation; transformation of resistive, inductive, and
capacitive circuits; frequently used reference frames
4. Induction machine, equations, magnetic saturation, implementation
Assignment 3: Modeling IM in Arbitrary Reference Frame.
5. Synchronous machine, transient stability, equal-area criterion, critical clearing time
Assignment 4: Modeling SM
6. Three-phase inverters; voltage equations and waveforms; VSI, PWM, space-vector modulation;
CSI, hysteresis current modulation, delta modulation; inverter-fed RL load
7. Induction motor drives: volt/hertz strategy; field oriented control, maximum torque/amp, and
maximum efficiency control schemes
Assignment 5: Modeling IM drive
8. Brushless DC motor drives:
Assignment 6: Modeling Brushless DC motor drive
P.C. Krause, “Analysis of Electric Machinery and Drive Systems, 3rd Edition,” IEEE Press
2013, ISBN: 978-1-118-02429-4
Chee-Mun Ong, “Dynamic Simulation of Electric Machinery: Using MATLAB/SIMULINK,”
Prentice Hall 1997, ISBN: 0137237855
Research Papers:
In addition to the textbook, we will also be using research papers (journal and conference publications) that are relevant to the course material. The papers or the links to them will be provided.
Interested students should contact the course instructor via email as soon as possible so
that appropriate number of spaces can be allocated.