A B@article{ bentley88, author = "J. Bentley", title = "Little Languages, More Programming Pearls", journal="Communications of the ACM", volume= 29, number= 8, pages= "711-721", year= 1988 } @ARTICLE{by91, AUTHOR = "T. Bylander and D. Allemang and M.C. Tanner, M.C. and J.R. Josephson", YEAR = " 1991", TITLE = "The {C}omputational {C}omplexity of {A}bduction", JOURNAL = " Artificial Intelligence", VOLUME = " 49", PAGES = " 25-60" } C @book{chung00, author = "L. Chung and B.A. Nixon and E. Yu and J. Mylopoulos", title = "Non-Functional Requirements in Software Engineering", publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers", year = 2000 } @article{clancey83, AUTHOR = " Clancey, W.", YEAR = " 1983", TITLE = " The Epistemology of Rule-Based Systems: a Framework for Explanation.", JOURNAL = " Artificial Intelligence", VOLUME = " 27", PAGES = " 289-350" } D E F G@Article{gabow76, Author = "H.N. Gabow and S.N. Maheshwari and L. Osterweil", Title = "On Two Problems in the Generation of Program Test Paths", Journal = "IEEE Trans. Software Engrg", Year = 1976, Volume = "SE-2", Pages = "227-231" } H@BOOK{hof80, AUTHOR = "D.R. Hofstadter", YEAR = " 1980", TITLE = {G"odel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid}, Publisher = " Penguin Books", PAGES = " 777" } I J@InCollection{joh83, Author = "C.K. Johnson and S.R. Jordan", Title = "Emergency Management of Inland Oil and Hazardous Chemical Spills: A Case Study In Knowledge Engineering", Chapter = 10, BookTitle = "Building Expert Systems", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Year = 1983, Editor = "F. Hayes-Roth and D.A. Waterman and D.B. Lenat", Pages = "349--397" } K@InProceedings{kakas98, Author = "A.C. Kakas and R.A. Kowalski and F. Toni", Title = "The Role of Abduction in Logic Programming", BookTitle = "Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming 5", Pages = "235-324", Editor = "D.M. Gabbay, C.J. Hogger and J.A. Robinson", Publisher = "Oxford University Press", Year = 1998 } L@article{larkin80, AUTHOR = "J. Larkin and J. McDermott and D.P. Simon and H.A. Simon", YEAR = "1980", TITLE = "Expert and Novice Performance in Solving Physics Problems", JOURNAL = "Science", VOLUME = "208", MONTH = "20 June", PAGES = "1335-1342" } M@InProceedings{mebfd92, AUTHOR = {T.J. Menzies and J. Black and J. Fleming and M. Dean}, YEAR = "1992", TITLE = "An Expert System for Raising Pigs", BOOKTITLE = "The first Conference on Practical Applications of Prolog", Note = "Available from \url{http://tim.menzies.com/pdf/ukapril92.pdf}", } @InProceedings{meedng92, AUTHOR = { T.J. Menzies and J. Edwards and K. Ng}, YEAR = " 1992", TITLE = " The {M}ysterious {C}ase of the {M}issing {R}e-usable {C}lass {L}ibraries", BOOKTITLE = " Tools Pacific 1992", Publisher = " Prentice Hall", PAGES = " 421-428", ANNOTE = " ", Note = "Available from \url{http://tim.menzies.com/pdf/tools92.pdf}", } @article{me96a, Author = "T.J. Menzies", Title = "Applications of Abduction: Knowledge Level Modeling", Volume = "45", Pages = "305-355", Journal = "International Journal of Human Computer Studies", Year = "1996", Note = "Available from \url{http://tim.menzies.com/pdf/96abkl.pdf}.", } @InProceedings{me99g, AUTHOR = { T. Menzies and C.C. Michael}, YEAR = " 1999", TITLE = " Fewer Slices of PIE: Optimising Mutation Testing via Abduction", BOOKTITLE = "SEKE '99, June 17-19, Kaiserslautern, Germany. Available from \url{http://tim.menzies.com/pdf/99seke.pdf}" } @article{me99q, title = "When to Test Less", author = "T. Menzies and B. Cukic", journal = "IEEE Software", year = 2000, volume = 17, number = 5, pages = "107-112", note = "Available from \url{http://tim.menzies.com/pdf/00iesoft.pdf}" } @ARTICLE{me00d, author = {T. Menzies and B. Cukic}, month = {June}, year = 2000, title = {Adequacy of Limited Testing for Knowledge Based Systems}, journal = {International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT)}, Note = "Available from \url{http://tim.menzies.com/pdf/00ijait.pdf}" } @InProceedings{me00y, author = "T.J. Menzies and B. Cukic", title = "How Many Tests are Enough?", editor = "S.K. Chang", booktitle = {Handbook of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Volume II}, isbn = "981-02-4974-8", year = {2002}, note = "Available from \url{http://tim.menzies.com/pdf/00ntests.pdf}" } @Book{milne26, Author = "A.A. Milne", Title = "Winne-the-Pooh", Publisher = "Methuen Children's Book", Year = 1926 } N O@misc{orwell49, author = "O. George", title = "Nineteen Eighty Four", year = "1949" } P Q R@ARTICLE{reggia83, AUTHOR = {J. Reggia and D.S. Nau and P.Y Wang}, YEAR = {1983}, TITLE = {Diagnostic {E}xpert {S}ystems {B}ased on a {S}et {C}overing {M}odel}, JOURNAL = { Int. J. of Man-Machine Studies}, VOLUME = {19}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {437-460} } S@InProceedings{sellev90, AUTHOR = "B. Selman and H.J. Levesque", TITLE = "Abductive and {D}efault {R}easoning: a {C}omputational {C}ore", YEAR = "1990", BOOKTITLE = " {AAAI} '90", PAGES = " 343-348" } @InProceedings{selman92, AUTHOR = "B. Selman and H. Levesque and D. Mitchell", TITLE = "A New Method for Solving Hard Satisfiability Problems", YEAR = "1992", BOOKTITLE = " {AAAI} '92", PAGES = "440-446" } T U V W @article{wick92, AUTHOR = "M.R. Wick and W.B. Thompson", YEAR = "1992", TITLE = "Reconstructive Expert System Explanation", JOURNAL = "Artificial Intelligence", VOLUME = " 54", PAGES = " 33-70" } X Y Z
@article{ bentley88, author = "J. Bentley", title = "Little Languages, More Programming Pearls", journal="Communications of the ACM", volume= 29, number= 8, pages= "711-721", year= 1988 } @ARTICLE{by91, AUTHOR = "T. Bylander and D. Allemang and M.C. Tanner, M.C. and J.R. Josephson", YEAR = " 1991", TITLE = "The {C}omputational {C}omplexity of {A}bduction", JOURNAL = " Artificial Intelligence", VOLUME = " 49", PAGES = " 25-60" }
@book{chung00, author = "L. Chung and B.A. Nixon and E. Yu and J. Mylopoulos", title = "Non-Functional Requirements in Software Engineering", publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers", year = 2000 } @article{clancey83, AUTHOR = " Clancey, W.", YEAR = " 1983", TITLE = " The Epistemology of Rule-Based Systems: a Framework for Explanation.", JOURNAL = " Artificial Intelligence", VOLUME = " 27", PAGES = " 289-350" }
@Article{gabow76, Author = "H.N. Gabow and S.N. Maheshwari and L. Osterweil", Title = "On Two Problems in the Generation of Program Test Paths", Journal = "IEEE Trans. Software Engrg", Year = 1976, Volume = "SE-2", Pages = "227-231" }
@BOOK{hof80, AUTHOR = "D.R. Hofstadter", YEAR = " 1980", TITLE = {G"odel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid}, Publisher = " Penguin Books", PAGES = " 777" }
@InCollection{joh83, Author = "C.K. Johnson and S.R. Jordan", Title = "Emergency Management of Inland Oil and Hazardous Chemical Spills: A Case Study In Knowledge Engineering", Chapter = 10, BookTitle = "Building Expert Systems", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Year = 1983, Editor = "F. Hayes-Roth and D.A. Waterman and D.B. Lenat", Pages = "349--397" }
@InProceedings{kakas98, Author = "A.C. Kakas and R.A. Kowalski and F. Toni", Title = "The Role of Abduction in Logic Programming", BookTitle = "Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming 5", Pages = "235-324", Editor = "D.M. Gabbay, C.J. Hogger and J.A. Robinson", Publisher = "Oxford University Press", Year = 1998 }
@article{larkin80, AUTHOR = "J. Larkin and J. McDermott and D.P. Simon and H.A. Simon", YEAR = "1980", TITLE = "Expert and Novice Performance in Solving Physics Problems", JOURNAL = "Science", VOLUME = "208", MONTH = "20 June", PAGES = "1335-1342" }
@InProceedings{mebfd92, AUTHOR = {T.J. Menzies and J. Black and J. Fleming and M. Dean}, YEAR = "1992", TITLE = "An Expert System for Raising Pigs", BOOKTITLE = "The first Conference on Practical Applications of Prolog", Note = "Available from \url{http://tim.menzies.com/pdf/ukapril92.pdf}", } @InProceedings{meedng92, AUTHOR = { T.J. Menzies and J. Edwards and K. Ng}, YEAR = " 1992", TITLE = " The {M}ysterious {C}ase of the {M}issing {R}e-usable {C}lass {L}ibraries", BOOKTITLE = " Tools Pacific 1992", Publisher = " Prentice Hall", PAGES = " 421-428", ANNOTE = " ", Note = "Available from \url{http://tim.menzies.com/pdf/tools92.pdf}", } @article{me96a, Author = "T.J. Menzies", Title = "Applications of Abduction: Knowledge Level Modeling", Volume = "45", Pages = "305-355", Journal = "International Journal of Human Computer Studies", Year = "1996", Note = "Available from \url{http://tim.menzies.com/pdf/96abkl.pdf}.", } @InProceedings{me99g, AUTHOR = { T. Menzies and C.C. Michael}, YEAR = " 1999", TITLE = " Fewer Slices of PIE: Optimising Mutation Testing via Abduction", BOOKTITLE = "SEKE '99, June 17-19, Kaiserslautern, Germany. Available from \url{http://tim.menzies.com/pdf/99seke.pdf}" } @article{me99q, title = "When to Test Less", author = "T. Menzies and B. Cukic", journal = "IEEE Software", year = 2000, volume = 17, number = 5, pages = "107-112", note = "Available from \url{http://tim.menzies.com/pdf/00iesoft.pdf}" } @ARTICLE{me00d, author = {T. Menzies and B. Cukic}, month = {June}, year = 2000, title = {Adequacy of Limited Testing for Knowledge Based Systems}, journal = {International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT)}, Note = "Available from \url{http://tim.menzies.com/pdf/00ijait.pdf}" } @InProceedings{me00y, author = "T.J. Menzies and B. Cukic", title = "How Many Tests are Enough?", editor = "S.K. Chang", booktitle = {Handbook of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Volume II}, isbn = "981-02-4974-8", year = {2002}, note = "Available from \url{http://tim.menzies.com/pdf/00ntests.pdf}" } @Book{milne26, Author = "A.A. Milne", Title = "Winne-the-Pooh", Publisher = "Methuen Children's Book", Year = 1926 }
@misc{orwell49, author = "O. George", title = "Nineteen Eighty Four", year = "1949" }
@ARTICLE{reggia83, AUTHOR = {J. Reggia and D.S. Nau and P.Y Wang}, YEAR = {1983}, TITLE = {Diagnostic {E}xpert {S}ystems {B}ased on a {S}et {C}overing {M}odel}, JOURNAL = { Int. J. of Man-Machine Studies}, VOLUME = {19}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {437-460} }
@InProceedings{sellev90, AUTHOR = "B. Selman and H.J. Levesque", TITLE = "Abductive and {D}efault {R}easoning: a {C}omputational {C}ore", YEAR = "1990", BOOKTITLE = " {AAAI} '90", PAGES = " 343-348" } @InProceedings{selman92, AUTHOR = "B. Selman and H. Levesque and D. Mitchell", TITLE = "A New Method for Solving Hard Satisfiability Problems", YEAR = "1992", BOOKTITLE = " {AAAI} '92", PAGES = "440-446" }
@article{wick92, AUTHOR = "M.R. Wick and W.B. Thompson", YEAR = "1992", TITLE = "Reconstructive Expert System Explanation", JOURNAL = "Artificial Intelligence", VOLUME = " 54", PAGES = " 33-70" }