
Term Projects


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Project Report Assesment Criteria
Project ideas.
Instructions for submitting project proposals.
Feedback comments on the proposals.

General information

Your term project should address a problem related to computer security and consist of the design of some computer security system or technique, or the analysis and possible improvement of some existing system or technique. The main goal of the project is to do original work on a problem of interest in computer security.

You should work in a small group of 3-4 students. If you have trouble finding project partners please use the term project discussion topic on the WebCT site of the course to find students seeking teammates.

Projects will be evaluated on the quality of the idea originality and the implementation of the idea. At the end of the semester, your group will write a report in the style of conference paper on your work.

I expect that most projects will fall (more or less) into one of two categories:

1. Design. Design projects will usually attempt to solve some interesting problem by proposing a design; implementing a prototype; and using the implementation as a basis for evaluating the proposed system architecture. In a good design project, the authors will have:

  • attacked a significant problem
  • devised an interesting and practical solution
  • clearly described what they have and have not implemented
  • demonstrated the benefits of their solution
  • articulated the advances beyond previous work
  • drawn appropriate conclusions

2. Analysis. Analysis projects might, for example, study some previously-proposed implementation technique, existing system, or class of systems; evaluate its security properties; find flaws, or strengths, in it; and provide new insight into how to build secure systems.

The topic should be relevant to computer security, but this will be interpreted broadly. You are encouraged to find topics of interest to you; feel free to be creative in selecting a project topic. You're welcome to pick a topic that is connected to your current research: for instance, if your primary research interest is in digital libraries, you would be welcome to do a class project on some aspect of security, cryptography, or privacy in digital libraries.

If you're at a loss for a project topic, I've prepared a list of possible project topics that you can peruse as examples of how to a pick a suitable project. See below. But don't feel limited to these suggestions! They are intended only as examples.

You're welcome to come discuss possible project ideas with me, if you like. I'm happy to make myself available to discuss projects.

Hints For Writing Your Project Report and Giving Your Talk at the End of the Course

©2003-2004 Konstantin Beznosov