
Survey Paper

Instructions for Survey Term Paper

Final version of a survey term paper should contain the following sections. All sections are required for the final version. For the pre-final draft of the term paper, all points and questions shown in bold and italic font are required.


Abstract (2%)

The abstract should summarize Introduction section.

I. Introduction (10%)

The section should provide the following

  1. Explain clearly the problem domain or technology surveyed by your paper.
  2. Explain why this is an important problem domain or technology.
  3. Summarize related work, including the differences between your survey paper and previously published survey papers on same or very similar topics.
  4. Summarize the methodology that you have followed in your survey.
  5. Summarize results your obtained.
  6. Summarize the conclusions your drew from the results.
  7. List contributions of your paper.

II. Background (10%)

This section should have the following subsections:

  1. Problem/Technology Description. Use diagrams and other visuals to illustrate your description.
  2. Adversary Model. Justify your adversary model and explain how yoou came up with it.

III. Related Work (5%)

This section should explain what other, particularly as reported in academic literature have done surveying systems/problems/technologies similar to the one surveyed in your paper. Explain the similarities and differences between your survey paper and previously published survey papers on same or very similar topics.

IV. Methodology (15%)

V. Results (35%)

This section should report results of your survey. For pre-final draft, make sure to draft at least part of this section.

VI. Discussion (20%)

VII. Conclusion (3%)

This section should summarize the paper and acknowledge those who helped with the survey work reported in the paper.


Place references here. Make sure they are complete (e.g., page numbers, conference and journal titles, author names). Aim to use more academic references than non-academic ones. If you find it difficult to format your reference properly, consider help of http://www.citethisforme.com .


Grammar and Language

Please keep in mind that your paper is expected to have no typos, grammatical errors, or other language issues. Up to 30% will be taken off for typos, grammatical errors, or lack of clarity. Make sure to check with one of the English Language references for correct use of the language, including punctuation marks. See this particular reference book for an example: The Bedford Handbook by Diana Hacker.


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