EECE 571F= Domain-Specific Languages  
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Lectures (2)

Old: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
New: DCGnums | Parsing | Meta-prolog | Faster1 | Faster2 | Rand-nums
Not done: Abduction | Stochastic abs

No theory this week- just a big Prolog tut.

Your first assignment is to deliver an environment like the one shown in a sample rule-based DSL called RULER. This environment has 4 windows:

  1. Top right: the main window. Shows a list of reports.
  2. Bottom right: shows report details- lists of things to look at.
  3. Top left: the biggest window- shows big stuff. Usually, selecting a something from a report list updates this screen.
  4. Bottom left: the extra credit window. TBD.
For your DSL, you have to identify the main language features and how they connect. In RULER, these are types such as

p = person(age,name,sex,status).

and preferences such as

app             == 'Wide world of timm'.
owner           == 'Tim Menzies'.
elm             == ''.
maxErrors       == 3.
warnOnTypeClash == no.

and procedures such as

say(X) means

below(A,B) means
    X <  B. 

equals(A,B) means

and rules such as:

if   sex equals male
      and age below 16
then  status := inJail.   

if    status equals inJail
then  say haha.

The environment RULER shows all these, plus the links between them all. To find these links, two tricks are used:

  1. Term_expansion side effects. As a side-effect of loading some term X, we write a little memo saying where X came from. The memo is the at/4 fact:

    term_expansion((X means Y), [(X :- Y),
                             at(File,Line,proc,F/A)]) :-
    here(File,Line) :-
        source_location(Path,Line), % swi built-ins
        file_base_name(Path,File).  % swi built-ins

  2. Naming each line. A small prolog utility slurps Prolog source code, and adds a URL name to each line showing it's line number. For example, the file

    :- op(1200, xfx, means).
    :- op(999, xfx, if).  
    :- op(998, xfx, then). 
    :- op(997, xfy, or).
    :- op(996, xfy, and). 
    :- op(995,  fy, not).  
    :- op(700,  fx, say).
    :- op(700, xfx, [upto,below,equals,over,downto,in, := ]). 
    :- op(1,   xfx, to ).

    gets slurped into

    <html><body bgcolor=white><h4></h4><pre>
    <a name="1">:- op(1200, xfx, means).
    <a name="2">:- op(999, xfx, if).  
    <a name="3">:- op(998, xfx, then). 
    <a name="4">:- op(997, xfy, or).
    <a name="5">:- op(996, xfy, and). 
    <a name="6">:- op(995,  fy, not).  
    <a name="7">:- op(700,  fx, say).
    <a name="8">:- op(700, xfx, [upto,below,equals,over,downto,in, := ]). 
    <a name="9">:- op(1,   xfx, to ).

Combining these two techniques means that we can point to any part of the code using the at/4 fact.

Oh, and here's the slurp utility:

% something simple first: echo a line
echoLine :-
    repeat, get_char(X), writeChar(X), endEchoLine(X),!.


writeChar(end_of_file) :- !.
writeChar('<') :- write('<'),!.
writeChar('\n') :- !.
writeChar(X) :- write(X).

% main driver- note that file I/O is seperated
% from the predicate doing the work
file2html(X) :-
    format('\t~w ==> ~w\n',[X,H]),
    ignore(file2html1(X)), % even if this fails,
                           % close all file streams

% here's the predicate actually doing all the work
file2html1(X) :-

file2htmlHeader(X) :-
    format('<html><body bgcolor=white><h4>\%~w</h4><pre>\n',[X]).
file2htmlBody(_) :- at_end_of_stream,!.
file2htmlBody(N0) :-
    format('<a name=\"~w\">',[N0]),
    N is N0 + 1,
file2htmlTail :-
    forall(between(1,50,_),write(' <p>\n')),

Once all those at/4 facts are asserted, we can also draw a dependancy diagram between items in our DSL. The graphviz utility (which is free to download) can auto-layout graphs via its dot program. dot source looks like this:

digraph states {
    node [shape=ellipse];
    empty [label = "Empty"];
    stolen [label = "Stolen"];
    waiting [label = "Waiting"];
    full [label = "Full"];
    empty -> full [label = "return"]
    empty -> stolen [label = "dispatch", wt=28]
    stolen -> full [label = "return"];
    stolen -> waiting [label = "touch"];
    waiting -> full [label = "return"];

from which dot can make a gif file using the command line

dot -Tgif ..\graphs\directed\ -o c:\temp\stats.gif

which looks like this:

We can write Prolog code to:
  • Query the at/4 facts to generate edges and nodes
  • For each node, write one node definition statement in dot notation.
  • For each edge, write one edge definition statement in dot notation.
  • Dump the result to a .dot file.
  • Call dot to generate the gifs as follows:

    dotty(Dot,Gif,Pos) :-
     'cmd /c "c:\\program files\\graphviz\\bin\\dot.exe" -Tgif ~w -o ~w',
     'cmd /c "c:\\program files\\graphviz\\bin\\dot.exe"  ~w -o ~w',

Dot can also generate a file that describes the position of each node in the graph. Now a really smart person could use to build an html clickable map so that in the bottom right window of RULER, someone could see node details if they click on a node in the gif shown top left.

Not © Tim Menzies, 2001
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