Lectures (5)
Rule-based Programming
Rules: for computation in response to pre-conditions.
Not for rigidly pre-defined schemes
Good for prototyping: throw all ideas into rules
as you
stumble across them
UML 'states' can be loosely modelled as rule 'groups':
States are small, and rule groups are for conceptually large units.
Rule-based languages give
some control over when groups are entered and exited.
A group is a place to stuff a grab bag of ideas.
Within a group, a rule interpreter looks for rules that can be
fired, fires them, then looks again.
Within a group, order emerges, is not pre-determined.
State transition diagrams = details of jumping around a program.
Rules= looser description of program execution.
complete consistent determinate
STD yes yes yes
Rules maybe maybe maybe
Rules operate on a working memory:
Working memory contents trigger rules.
Triggered rules update working memory.
Repeat till end of time
/ \
Rules = pairs
- If guard happy,
- Then do action
- Go find another rule with a happy guard.
Rule interpreters work via a match-select-act loop:
Match: find the rules in the current group whose guards
are satisfied by the current contents of
working memory.
Select: pick one using a conflict resolution strategy (discussed
Act: fire the picked rule and maybe modify working memory
And repeat till nothing can be matched.
Difference between expert and novice performance:
Novices stuff up their working memory with too many goals.
Experts have compiled their knowledge into rules that
know what to do next.
Less clutter in working memory.
Some conflict resolution strategies:
Refraction= don't do the same thing twice.
Whenever we use a rule, we assert a refraction/2
fact to note we have used it.
When we test a condition, we check that we have not used
this before (i.e. \+ refraction).
Priority ordering= rules listed first have higher priority
that those listed later
Prolog matches top-down, so we get that for free.
Salience ordering= rules with a higher numeric priority
have higher priority
that those with smaller priorities.
- Recency:
focus on recently generated assertions rather than older ones:
Neat exception control mechanism- exceptions are asserted and
the exception handler rules instantly wake up to handle it.
Specificity: Prefer more specific rules (that have more condition
tests) over more general rules (that have less conditions).
Example of Rule-Based Programming
Robbie the Robot, bagging groceries.
Rule groups:
Check order: look for anything that needs to be fixed in the order/
E.g.if they bought potato chips but no Pepsi, they'll die of thirst
Bag large items
Bag medium sized items
Bag small items
Sounds silly but..
The worlds first commercial expert system (XCON, 1980)
worked this way: saved DEC M-M per year when their top
designers no longer had to manually check new orders.
And other applications found this technology
to be cost effective; e.g. PIGE, 1988 (described below).
The check order rules are:
b1 if the step is check order
there is a bag of potato chips
there is no soft drink bottle
then add one bottle of pepsi to the order
b2 if the step is check order
then discontinue the check-order step
start the bag large items step
B1 is more specific than B2, so it gets fired first. Afterwards,
B2 is fired to jump groups.
Here are the bag large item rules
b3 if the step is bag large items
there is a large item to be bagged
there is a large bottle to be bagged
there is a bag with < 6 large items
then put the bottle in the bag
b4 if there step is bag large items
there is a large item to be bagged
there is a bag with < 6 large items
then put the large item in the bag
b5 if there step is bag large items
there is a large item to be bagged
then start a fresh bag
b6 if the step is bag large items
then discontinue the bag large step
start the bag medium items step
B3 patches a hole in B4: bottles should be bagged first cause they
are heavy. Again, B3 fires first because it is more specific.
B5 is a natural rule: if we can't do anything more specific
and we still have large items to bag, then start a new bag and place
the large items in it.
B6 is the most general bag large items rule so it is fired last
to jump us to bag medium items.
Here are the bag medium item rules:
b8 if the step is bag medium items
there is a medium item to be bagged
there is an empty bag or a bag with medium items
then put the medium item in the bag
b9 if the step is bag medium items
there is a medium item to be bagged
then start a fresh bag
b10 if the step is bag medium items
then discontinue the bag medium step
start the bag small items step
These are very natural rules: medium items should bagged together (B8)
and if we run out of bags, start a new one (B9).
Finally, when all the medium bagging operations are done, jump to
bagging small items.
Here are the bag small items rules:
b11 if the step is bag small items
there is a small item
there is a bag that is not yet full
the bag does not contain bottles
then put the small item in the bag
b12 if the step is bag small items
there is a small item
there is a bag that is not yet full
then put the small item in the bag
B11 says we can slip small items into non-full bags along as bottles
can't crush them. Otherwise, in B12, for bags without bottles, we can slip
in the small items. Note for rule interpreters that support specificity,
B11's longer condition (which mentions
bottles) effectively blocks B12 from firing.
Implementing Rule-Based Programming
We need to pull apart
if year(Y) and Y >= 1900 and Y < 2001
then say(modern(Y)) and goto(century20).
gaurd(start, 1, [A]) :-
year(A)and A>=1900 and A<2001,
\+refraction(start, 1, [A]).
action(start, 1, [A]) :-
assert(refraction(start, 1, [A])),
say(modern(A))and goto(century20).
One thing we need to do is find the variables that are passed from
the guard to the action. Our old friend runiv/2 will suffice:
vars(Term,All) :-
aVar(Term,V) :- runiv(Term,V), var(V).
runiv(In, X) :-
In =.. [A,B|C],
So we only need to find all the vars in the IF and the THEN,
then their set intersection:
sameVars([H|T],L,[H|Rest]) :-
H == X,!,
sameVars([_|T],L,Rest) :-
The rest is straight forward.
% rules.pl
demo :- tell('rules.out'),ignore(demo1),told.
demo1 :-
% hooks into the Prolog compiler- some new keywords
:- op(1005,xfx,if).
:- op(1004,xfx,then).
:- op(1003,xfy,or).
:- op(1002,xfy,and).
:- op(1001,fy,not).
% control statements for assertions
:- dynamic group/1,refraction/3.
:- discontiguous gaurd/3, action/3.
:- index(refraction(1,1,0)).
% load time hook. convert X if Y then Z into
% "if" statements and "then" statements.
term_expansion(Group/Id if IF then THEN,
[(gaurd(Group,Id,Shared) :-
\+ refraction(Group,Id,Shared))
,(action(Group,Id,Shared) :-
THEN)]) :-
% low-level utilities
sameVars([H|T],L,[H|Rest]) :-
H == X,!,
sameVars([_|T],L,Rest) :-
vars(Term,All) :-
aVar(Term,V) :- runiv(Term,V), var(V).
runiv(In, X) :-
In =.. [A,B|C],
if year(Y) and Y >= 1900 and Y < 2001
then say(modern(Y)) and goto(century20).
if year(Y) and Y < 1900 and Y >= 1800
then say(modern(Y)) and goto(century19).
if year(Y) and Y >= 2001
then say(postmodern(Y)) and goto(century21).
if month(M)
and member(M,[5,6,7,8])
then say(happySummer(M)).
% top level
think :- say(thinking), reset, run, say(thought).
reset :- retractall(refraction(_,_,_)), goto(start).
% match select act loop
run :- match(Maybes),!, select(Maybes, One), act(One),run.
match(Maybes) :-
act(Group/Id/Shared) :-
% jump groups
goto(X) :-
% rule support code
X and Y :- X,Y.
X or Y :- X;Y.
year(X) :- get_time(A), convert_time(A,X,_,_,_,_,_,_).
say(X) :- print(X),nl.
Which produces
gaurd(start, 1, [A]) :-
year(A)and A>=1900 and A<2001,
\+refraction(start, 1, [A]).
gaurd(start, 2, [A]) :-
year(A)and A<1900 and A>=1800,
\+refraction(start, 2, [A]).
gaurd(start, 3, [A]) :-
year(A)and A>=2001,
\+refraction(start, 3, [A]).
gaurd(century21, 1, [A]) :-
month(A)and member(A, [5, 6, 7, 8]),
\+refraction(century21, 1, [A]).
action(start, 1, [A]) :-
assert(refraction(start, 1, [A])),
say(modern(A))and goto(century20).
action(start, 2, [A]) :-
assert(refraction(start, 2, [A])),
say(modern(A))and goto(century19).
action(start, 3, [A]) :-
assert(refraction(start, 3, [A])),
say(postmodern(A))and goto(century21).
action(century21, 1, [A]) :-
assert(refraction(century21, 1, [A])),
refraction(start, 3, [2001]).
refraction(century21, 1, [6]).
refraction(century21, 1, [7]).
Not © Tim Menzies, 2001
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