Fall 2016 |
"Analysis of Coastline Market Web Application"
Abrar Musa, Matas Empakis, Vincent Chan, Yves Chan |
"Analysis of Opportunitree Emplotment Service" Second Best Presentation
Nina Rajic, Steven Wallace, Bojan Stefanovic, Nicholas Handaja |
"Analysis of Tapicnic Online Ordering App"
Grace Liang, Mark Sayson, Radu Nesiu, Siyuan He |
"Analysis of GridGear Solutions' Smart Meter & Web Application System" Best Analysis Project, Best Presentation, Best Videoclip
Connie Ma, Derek Chan, Jake Larson, Pascal Turmel |
"File Access Control with SMS and Fingerprint"
Andrew Chen, Bryan Major, David Kuo |
"Implementation of Two-Factor Authentication with U2F" Best Design Project, Second Most Holistic Approiach to Security Engineering
Alex Charles, Jay Dahiya, Jason Jang, Bibek Kaur |
"Design of Burn Chat"
Geoff Shaw, Tanner Graham, Michael Adria, Weijun Qiu |
"Design of Expiring Barcodes" Second Best Design Project, Most Holistic Approach to Security Engineering, Second Best Videoclip
Red Kernel Garsuta, Jae Yeong Bae, Matthew Mackenzie, Anni Wang |
"Analysis of System X"
Second Best Analysis Project
Paulo Lima, Jonathan Lui, Maryam Mohammadzadeh, Graham St-Laurent |
"Analysis of Rallyteam"
Emmett Tan, Harris Lin, Irene Chen, Kaibo Ma |
"Analysis of Android Applications"
Andrew Lam, Caleb Kwan, James Tu, Saurabh Vishwakarma |
2015 -- to be providced |
2014 -- to be providced |
2013 -- to be providced |
Fall 2012 |
"Design of Software-based Pseudo-random Number Generator" Third Best Design Project
Joey Liu, Leon Yu, Aobo Yu, Braulio Chavez |
"What’s Up With WhatsApp"
Simon Mo, Adama Ode, Avi Kumar, Nathan Cheung |
"Rogue Access Point and WiFi Phishing"
Kevin Shiah, Changhoon Baek, Andrew Yoon |
"Usability Analysis of the Personal Firewall in Mac OS X Lion"
Edward Budiman, Surya Adi Jaya, Jane Lau, Marlow Payne |
"Security Analysis of EYEZ-ON EnvisaLink 2DS Module for Networked Home Alarm System" Second Best Analysis Project, Second Best Video of the Project
Brian Lau, Joanne Chow, Steven Chow, Yolanda Qian |
"Analysis of HID iCLASS Security System" Best Analysis Project, Most Holisitc Approach to Security Engineering
Shirley Gong, Edward Han, Yonatan Indrajaya, Nathaniel Sham |
"Security Analysis of Translink’s Pass System"
David Adomat, Ian Cheng, Malavika Mantripragada, Joshua Shelley |
"A security analysis of the pay-for-printing system deployed at a UBC library" Best Presentation
Anuj Mehta, Denis Abalakov, Dhruv Raturi, Audun Lie Indergaard |
"Password Gamification" Best Design Project, Third Best Presentation
Peter Cheung, Peter Yeung, Crystal Ng |
"A password-less login system" Second Best Design Project
Craig Penner, Nick Adams, Peter Schuurman |
"Facebook Security Analysis"
Allister MacLean, Victor de Lima Soares, Gabriel Parreiras |
"Security Analysis of the Richmond Public Library Login System" Honorable Mention
Timothy Tang, Tony Cheng, Vinson Yu, Ken Hu |
"Analysis of the Security of Gift Cards" Best Video of the Project, Second Most Holistic Approach to Security Engineering
Nor Bainin Khairudin, Kevin Li, Lap Kiu Li, Calvin Ng |
"Security Analysis of the ECE Account Login System" Third Most Holistic Approach to Security Engineering
Catherine Wang, Edmond Louie, Preethal Fernandes, Richard Hsu |
"PayByPhone Mobile Platform Analysis" Second Best Presentation, Third Best Analysis Project, Third Best Video of the Project
Mark Duppenthaler, Keith N. Lee, Shruti Shruti, Cary Wong |
"Free Data: DNS Loopholes in GSM Practices"
Adrian Lindsay, Nick Chow, David Slater, Ben Jeffery |
Fall 2010 |
Analysis of PHP Obfuscation Software 
Joel Beales, Karl Campbell, Janina Fedjko
Security Analysis of phpBB 
Matt Fong, Herman Lee, Chih-Hao Lin, David Yue |
Security Analysis on http://qik.com and Livecast 
Dillon Yo-Kang Yang, Nick Hanssmann, Tsung-Ying Tsai, Chia-En Pan
Analysis on the Effectiveness of Safe Browsing Services most holistic approach to security engineering!
Frankie Angai, Calvin Ching, Isaiah Ng, Cameron Smith |
Phishing on Facebook
Tarek Amin, James An, James Lu, Oseghale Okhiria |
Rogue Access Points 
Moses Chan, Rob O’Dwyer, Steve Powell, Marie Elise Desormeaux Leowski |
Windows Live Messenger Voice Chat Security Analysis 
Christopher Eng, Derick Hsieh, Joong Kang, Cheng (Oscar) Hou |
Security Analysis of Verrus Pay-by-Phone 
Paul Chiu, Tayler Hetherington, Alvin Lam, Ryan Jung |
Keystroke Biometric Keyboard 
Victor Tsang, Jovi Wong, Sanduni Patikiriarachchi, Nathan Comstock |
An Analysis on Google Chrome 
Alfred Lam, Tony Lei |
Paper De-shredder best design project!
Hei Wang Chan, Evan Gillespie, Delfino Leong |
Security Analysis of the i>clicker Audience Response System best analysis project! best presentation!
Derek Gourlay, Yuan Sunarto, Yik Lam Sit, Tian-Cheng Wang |
Fall 2009 |
Using GPUs for the offline bruteforce password attacks
Ildar Muslukhov |
Focused Social Networking Crawler second most holistic approach to security engineering!
Alice Leung, Roven Lin, Jesse Ng and Philip Szeto |
Security Analysis of Terra second best presentation!
Adnan Jiwani, Arash Malekzadeh, Neeraj Prashar, Cloud Shao |
EASports.com Web Application Security Analysis 
Maxime Perreault, David Rosberg, Peter Vautour, David Wang |
Security Analysis of Online Gambling Systems second best analysis project!
Milad Mesbah, Nima Hosseinikhah |
Attacks on WPA2-Enterprise 
Neil Gentleman, William Wong, Insoo Kwon, Yan Yau (Keith) Kam |
Delta Force Cobra Strike Secure SMS best design project!
James Brotherston, Colin Hilchey, Kelvin Tsui, George Wang |
Security Analysis of RF Technology in Electric Garage Doors 
Calvin Chang, Ernest Chu, Erie Okada, Williams Lin |
Security Analysis of Craig's List 
Bryan Lengle, Mathew Sam, Jiyan Lam, Adrian Lee |
Security Analysis of XT3.com 
Frank Ip, Ken Ho, Jonathan Wong, Jonathan Chau |
Analysis of Smart Card Laundry System best presentation! best analysis project!
Jon Lee, Niel Paul, Choon-Sean (Steven) Cheong, Dicky Bratawijaya |
A Study on SSL Warning Effectiveness most holistic approach to security engineering!
Ildar Muslukhov, Andreas Sotirakopoulos, Levi Stoddard |
Fall 2008 |
"An Analysis of the Vulnerabilities of the UBC RFID Parking System"
by Timothy Chiu, Tim Ren, Kattie Tay, Evelyn Tsai |
"Security Analysis of Vancouver's Pay-by-Phone Metered Parking" Best Analysis Project
by Chris Lee, Benjamin Wai, James Wang, Leo Wong |
"Formal Verification of an M-Commerce Authentication Protocol"
by Sara Motiee |
"A Security Analysis of XSS Vulnerabilities in Reunion.com" Most holistic approach to security engineering
by Edwin Jaury, Onn Tai Yong, Samir Gupta, Yan Chiu |
"Improving the Usability and Security of WPA-based Wireless Networks" Best Design Project
by Albert Chen, Henry Lam, Zhiyong Cheng |
"Unicode Password System"
by Mavaddat Javid, David Chan, Tony Wong, Jaques Clapauch |
"Design of a Location-Based Authentication System for Satellite TV Systems"
by Corry Yang, Kevin Uribe and Chris Pang |
"Usability Analysis of Sophos Antivirus"
by Jacky Cheung, Stanley Li, Alex Totolici, Patrick Zheng |
"Security analysis of Sophos Update Mechanisms"
by Marco Gonzalez, Jeffrey Herron, Zita Hiu Kit Wong, Ge (Grace) Yu |
"Improving protection of iBib web application against SQL injection attacks"
by Jordan Chiou, Reuben Heredia, Mohammed Taher, Alexander Tse |
"Speculative Authorizations"
by Pranab Kini |
"Software Piracy Security"
by Peter Ciszak, Nathan Tai, Jack Lai Best Presentation |
Fall 2007 |
"A Pattern-Matching File Fuzzer for Windows"
by Lane Feltis, Natalie Silvanovich, Neema Teymory |
"Security Analysis of Web Applications"
by William Ha, Phoebe Hsu, Je-Yu Lee, Cheng Jeffrey Qian |
"Robust Audio Steganography using Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum Technology"
by Wei Qin Cheng, Fei Han, Man Juon Tung, Kai Xu
Suplimentary material: sample audio file without hidden data, sample audio file with hidden data |
"Classification of SQL Injection Attacks"
by Sheung Lau, Stephen Liu, San-Tsai Sun, Ting han Wei |
"Mac OS X Malware Vulnerabilities"
by Misha Grebenyuk, Albert Sodyl, Byron Thiessen, Sijia Wang |
"Design of a Simple, Distributed Network Access Control System"
by David Boen, Victor Chan, Daniel Dent, Andrew Hung Yao Tjia |
"Security Analysis of Microsoft Notification Protocol"
by Jason Poon, Oliver Zheng |
"Rogue Access Points and UBC’s Wi-Fi Network"
by Arunkumar Chebium, Pawittar Dhillon, Kaveh Farshad, Farhan Masud |
"Analysis of Palm-Vein Biometric"
by Thomson Lai, Bosco Lee, Frankie Shum, Kenneth Wong |
"A two-Factor Authentication System using Mobile Devices to Protect against Untrusted Public Computers"
by Abdullah Alqattan, Nima Kaviani, David Lewis, Nicholas Pearson |
"Role of Computer Security in Identity Theft"
by Charanjit Dhanoya, Chendursundaran Kumaragurubaran, Joey Ting |
"Large Scale Research on Password Practicies "
by Joaquin Valdez |
"Security Analysis of the UBC Card"
by Carlos Colon-Vonarx, Taivo Evard, Noriel Rilloma |
"Usability of Windows Vista Firewall: A Laboratory User Study"
by Pouyan Arjmandi Rafsanjani, Robert Boeck, Fahimeh Raja, Ganapathy Viswanathan |
"Usability Study of Vista’s Firewall Using Respondent Methods"
by Gaurav Agashe, Pooya Jaferian, Faraaz Shamji, Steven Yu |
Spring 2007 |
Cracking Advanced Access Content System (AACS), Winner of: Best Presentation! and Best Analysis Project!
Daniel Dmytriw, Neale Genereux, Michael Gujral, Abhishek Valaboju |
Software Cracks
Ankit Jain, Jason Kuo, Jordan Soet, Brian Tse |
Security Analysis of Online Bibliography System - iBib
Owen Yang, Alice Ho Yu Au-Yeung, Hootan Ziyaeimatin, Florence Tabamo |
An Analysis of Vulnerabilities of Iris Scanning Personal Authentication
Michael Kang, Oscar Plag |
Mobile Code Security
Jason Kwan, Justine Lu, Safinaaz Rawji, Sophie Ke |
Gnutella Peer-to-Peer Security, Winner of: Most Holistic Approach to Security Engineering!
Gurpreet Dosanjh, Brody Lodmell, Alexander Van Der Star, Shane Wang |
Risk Analysis of MacLeod and Kaiser Buildings
Andre Gagne, Raymond (Kinwai) Lo, Ireti Fakinlede, Gary Tu |
Analysis of SMS Spamming Solutions
Jue Ni, Vincy Tang, Wynne Lui |
Security Enhancements to Distributed Directory
Tik Ning Cheung, Jeannie Li, Henry Ng |
Design of a Data Hiding Application Using Steganography, Winner of: Best Design Project!
Armin Bahramshahry, Hesam Ghasemi, Anish Mitra, Vinayak Morada |
The Analysis of the Security of the Octopus Smart-Card E-Cash System
Andrew Lee, Timothy Lui, Bryon Leung |
Key Logging of a Wireless Keyboard
Willian Ha, Eric Ma, Antony Mbugua, Dickson Poon
Fall 2005 |
Analysis of Bluetooth Security,
Stefanie Ho, Brian Ng, Frank Wu, Justin Kwong |
PC Security using Biometrics,
Kit Mun Chan, Ana Pop, Shadi Safarkhah, Gurpreet Virdi
Best Analysis Project |
Analysis of FairPlay Digital Rights Management Scheme in Apple’s iTunes Music Store,
Aaron Franks, Stephen LaRoy, Michael Wood, Michael Worth |
Access Control List in Operating Systems,
Edmund Law, Spencer Shek, Kevin Wong, Cindy Zhu |
Digital Watermarking,
Orion Winkelmeyer, Abbas Mehdi, Patrick Lam, Nima Kamoosi |
Improvement of Steganography in TCP Timestamp,
Patrick Lee, Dan Anderson |
Security Analysis of FOB installation at ECE and CS,
Justin Fu, Steven Tse, Gavin Yip, Christina Young |
Analysis of FOB Access Control Management System,
Gregory Mason, Nikolay Nikiforov, Rupert To, Kevin White |
Analysis and Design of a Smartcard Transit Security System,
Tim Kinisky, Colleen Qin, Mike Hewitt, Derek Kwei
Best Presentation |
Simulation of Secondary and Approximate Authorization Recycling,
Kyle Zeeuwen |
TOR-Anonymous Internet Communication System,
Miljan Cabrilo, Gordon Jesso, Katayon Radkhah, Ivan Tsui |
Design and Analysis of a Noise-Based Random Oracle,
Albert Wang, Jeff Gebert, Paul Davis
Best Design Project & Most Holistic Approach to Security Engineering |
Fall 2004 |
Analysis of Wireless Key Management and Proposal,
Michael Kwan, Andrew Ong and Derrick Yeung |
Security Analysis of the UBC Wireless Network,
Li-Heng Lin, Chun Yue Gordon Wong, and Jeanette Sin Mei Tsang |
Implementation of Low Cost Security for WLAN Router Networks,
Larix J. Lee, Jason C. Kan, Johnson C. Lee and Michael K. Leung |
Security Analysis of Public Wireless Internet Access Points,
Steven Chang, Ben Huang, Victor Lam, Horng Yen |
A Security Analysis of UBC Wireless Network,
Wing-Keong Woo, Qiang Wei, Joyce Hsien-Yin Chiang, and Johnson Ming-Che Tsai
Best Analyisis Project, Best Project Report |
An Analysis on Spyware Law SB 1436,
Claudia Fong, Wallace Hung, Kartik Markandan |
Audio Voice Authentication,
Jacqueline Chow, Janet Tse, and Jeff Tung |
Biometric Passports using Facial Recognition,
Ryan Chan, Jason Cheung, and Amy Ha
Best Presentation
Most holistic approach to security engineering |
An Analysis and Recommendations for an E-Voting System,
Jeffrey Kler, Ivan Lau,
Aleksandar Milojkovic, Samson Zhao |
Development and Implementation of a Secure Instant Messenger for Public Use,
Wesam Darwish, Wing Leung, and Megan Tiedje
Best Design Project |
Security for a Two-Way Text Messaging Application,
Kevin Lai, Handika Handoko, Tuan Vo, John Li |